
Installation of dv-runtime is only provided on Mac and Linux systems.


The easiest way to install dv-runtime is via Homebrew. We provide a Homebrew tap for macOS. Install it with:

brew tap inivation/inivation
brew install libcaer --with-libserialport --with-opencv
brew install dv-runtime


Ubuntu Linux

We provide a PPA repository for Focal (20.04 LTS) and Jammy (22.04 LTS) on the x86_64, arm64 and armhf architectures.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inivation-ppa/inivation
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dv-runtime

Ubuntu Bionic

We provide a separate PPA repository for Bionic (18.04 LTS) on the x86_64, x86, arm64 and armhf architectures.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inivation-ppa/inivation-bionic
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dv-runtime

Fedora Linux

We provide a COPR repository for Fedora 34, 35, 36 and rawhide on the x86_64, arm64 and armhf architectures.

sudo dnf copr enable inivation/inivation
sudo dnf install dv-runtime

Arch Linux

You can find dv-runtime as a package in the AUR repository.

Gentoo Linux

You can find dv-runtime as a valid Gentoo ebuild repository available here over Git. The package to install is ‘dev-util/dv-runtime’.

Embedded Devices

On most embedded devices, you can follow the Ubuntu Linux instructions.

To start a dv-runtime instance, you might have to set the following environment variable: UNW_ARM_UNWIND_METHOD=4.

Nvidia Jetson

The Nvidia Jetson embedded boards are supported via our Ubuntu Bionic packages. The Linux for Tegra (L4T) distribution is based on Ubuntu Bionic (18.04 LTS), so the same installation instructions apply. One thing to note: Nvidia provides an incompatible version of OpenCV4, so you’ll first have to uninstall their version that’s pre-installed and then install the one from our PPA repository.

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is supported on the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is an officially supported OS for Raspberry Pi. Please use our Ubuntu packages.